Obsessed with my...

這陣子迷上了當紅的清宮劇"步步驚心",連尹森都被吸引住一天不看個三集不睡覺! 平常有時間我會在網路上下載一些電影和影集來看, "陰屍路The Walking Deads"是我必follow的, 從以前到現在我最喜歡看僵屍恐怖片,雖然劇情老是都拍得差不多....anyway Before introducing my today's outfits, I want to talk about my life recently. Eason and I am addicted to the drama about Ching Dynasty Palace these days. In my free time, I like to watch some movies and drama online, "The Walking Dead" is my favorite, I love zombie movies so much! Anyway.... 今天來分享一下前陣子所拍的穿搭造型; 自從買了這件ZARA的一片裙式短褲就成了我最愛的造型單品。 高腰設計營造下半身修長的錯覺,即使將上衣扎進去也不會顯腰粗,而且多了點正式感。 Today, I am sharing two looks, I am so obsessed with this skirt-shorts since I bought it from ZARA. The high-waist design created a slender lower body and sense of formal. 綠紫相間的短袖毛衣其實是今年的春季商品,在GAP特價區挖到的,約14美金。 短袖毛衣真的很挑人穿,一搭不好就會看起來老氣粗壯,像我穿起來還是有點小臃腫。 由於冬裝通常都是暗色系, 有時想讓自己看起來有朝氣會想買些亮色撞色系衣服來玩顏色遊戲。 Green and purple blocking sweater is Spring merchandise, and I found it from Gap's ...