Starbucks Open The First "Tea Bar" In NYC 棄咖啡從茶?星巴克打造“茶吧“搶攻茶飲市場

甚麼?! 星巴克在大蘋果紐約開了第一間茶品專賣店! 身為tea lover 已經厭倦美國一個轉角就有一間咖啡店的現象,彷彿台灣的7-11。自從去年收購了茶品品牌Teavana,可感受到Starbucks有意進軍茶飲市場。上週在紐約的上東城開設了第一間茶飲專門店。禪風木質感的室內裝潢讓人感到很放鬆,搭配看起來很美味的輕食,看著照片,我的口水已經快流下來了。第二間分店即將在西雅圖開幕,希望趕快來舊金山設點,滿足舊金山的茶飲愛好者。 As a tea lover, it's getting me tired that there's no decent tea house in San Fran, and coffee shops here is like 7-11 at every corner in Taiwan. Since Starbucks bought Teavana, we can aware that they are going into tea beverage market. Last week, they opened its first tea house in New York. The Asian-aesthetic interior looks so relaxed and comfortable, and the light food makes me mouthwatering. Can't wait it opening in SF! Source from: NYDailyNews