TOMS' New 1 For 1: Coffee Beans Equals Fresh Water 賣咖啡捐水再展買愛心送愛心

One for one! TOMS現在不只賣鞋捐鞋,現在更賣起了咖啡豆並延續其公益理念與民間團體Water for People 合作每賣出一包咖啡豆就捐贈一星期飲用水給開發中的國家。隨手可得的咖啡是我們日常生活平凡無奇的飲品,泡咖啡首先最重要的就是乾淨的飲用水,對於世界上一些偏遠地區的居民來說要取得乾淨的水源都有問題。除了官網和美國的Whole Foods超市可購得之外,現在,TOMS即將來台拓點,屆時會將其社會關懷的愛心傳遞給更多的台灣朋友,一起響應! New "One for One" project from TOMS is to launch a TOMS Roasting Company that sourced from Malawi, Rwanda, Honduras, Guatemala, and Peru, and customers who purchased TOMS coffee not only be supporting farmers from those developing countries but also provide clean drinking water to their communities. Now, TOMS will soon come to Taiwan, then would spread their social care and love to more Taiwanese friends and respond together! More about: Toms Coffee Roasting Co. Source from: Vogue