生活中隨手可得的小確幸 Duncan Shotton 的童趣文具

近幾年文具的設計性越來越講究故事性以及童趣,如何將平凡無奇的文具用品變身也考驗了設計人的功力。之前在臉書分享過的英國工業設計師Duncan Shotton設計出了一款款童趣又令人會心一笑的生活文具系列。無論是說謊的皮諾丘還是彩虹鉛筆、亦或是卡帶膠臺機都讓人想用來增添一些生活樂趣。目前Duncan Shotton旅居日本並持續創作將更多的文具設計帶給大家。現在你也買的到Duncan Shotton 文具小物,除了可以運送到其他國家也能用信用卡或paypal付款;總是為禮物而困擾或是想為自己生活增添小確幸的你們,ㄧ起enjoy the little thing 吧!
Are you a stationery lover?  I was so addicted in stationary during the school time, the little things always made my day. Nowadays, we rely on high tech products instead of the traditional way, we still need the cute but functional stationary to light up our busy lives. Thanks to Duncan Shotton, a young British product designer who is trying to engage people in enjoying life. His works are quirky and presented in a childlike style. Who doesn’t like rainbow and Pinocchio, let’s have fun with the little things.
Duncan Shotton Online Shop http://dshott.co.uk/shop
