The Wonderfully Designed Offices of Dropbox 舊金山的摩登總部

最近正在求職中, 看到Dropbox的辦公室心生羨慕. 位在舊金山市區的Dropbox 總部是和室內設計公司Geremia Design , 建築公司Boor Bridges 合作打造ㄧ個員工能夠安心且舒適的工作環境. 結合綠能環保設計,採用全透光玻璃, 裡面不但有員工休息室當然也有公共空間讓員工可以互相交流創意. Dropbox 在2008年成立, 成立雲端平台可以儲存檔案以及資源共享的資訊型服務. 現在的舊金山總部共有員工350 人, 室內設計的靈感來源就是來自Dropbox, 打造ㄧ個空間讓所有人可以在這裡面放心的分享和提供自己的創意. 看了如此現代又舒服的工作環境也期許在求職路上更努力. 

Dropbox headquarter is located in SOMA district, San Francisco. This cloud-computing provider aims to create wonderful working space for their employees. In collaboration with Geremia Design and architecture firm Boor Bridges, the team started to work. Incorporate with green spaces and modern furnishing, the design inspiration was based on Dropbox's product and service. In an open space where employees could interact with others and space. 

Source: Visual News
