From Junked Part To Scientific Art: John Zaklikowski 的實驗藝術

紐約是許多藝術家的迦南之地, 但是舊金山西岸溫暖的陽光給了藝術家創作環境. 舊金山當地藝術家 John Zaklikowski到De Young 舉行個人特展Culture and Physics Collide. 他的作品材料都來自於電腦耗材和攝影器材, 也許有人會好奇如何蒐集現在已經越來越少見的主機板和舊式攝影機以及其他原料, 問了Zaklikowski 得到的答案很幽默, 大部份都是從Ebay 和Amazon蒐購的. 隨著創作的多樣化, 他也嘗試將中國傳統羅盤融入進作品裡, 裡面的亞洲文字是Zaklikowski 翻書選擇自己喜歡的字體而描繪出來的, 也可看到身為藝術家血液裡的堅持. 最後看到了ㄧ個樂高床, 全部都是用樂高和報廢零件所拼湊而成的, 滿滿的樂高引起了孩子們的注意, 大家開始創作屬於自己的藝術品. 這也是Zaklikowski 的創作本意, 藝術不應該是曲高和寡, 共鳴不應只來自於喜歡藝術的人, 他的藝術取自於生活, 所分享的也是來自於他生活周遭的妳我他, 還有那些同我們被John Zaklikowski 作品吸引的人

San Francisco based artist, John Zaklikowski has explored the connection between art and science. All his artworks are made of the electronic material, leg's, and circuit board. He always would make a series of artwork that could incorporate some science, art, even junked pieces. He has traveled widely, both in North America, Europe, and Asia. The cultures have been deeply influential to his artistic development. His artworks have been represented in many group exhibitions, and now a number of his large-scale artworks will be view in the De Young's gallery. 
