
生活中隨手可得的小確幸 Duncan Shotton 的童趣文具

近幾年文具的設計性越來越講究故事性以及童趣,如何將平凡無奇的文具用品變身也考驗了設計人的功力。之前在臉書分享過的英國工業設計師Duncan Shotton設計出了一款款童趣又令人會心一笑的生活文具系列。無論是說謊的皮諾丘還是彩虹鉛筆、亦或是卡帶膠臺機都讓人想用來增添一些生活樂趣。目前Duncan Shotton旅居日本並持續創作將更多的文具設計帶給大家。現在你也買的到Duncan Shotton 文具小物,除了可以運送到其他國家也能用信用卡或paypal付款;總是為禮物而困擾或是想為自己生活增添小確幸的你們,ㄧ起enjoy the little thing 吧! Are you a stationery lover?  I was so addicted in stationary during the school time, the little things always made my day. Nowadays, we rely on high tech products instead of the traditional way, we still need the cute but functional stationary to light up our busy lives. Thanks to Duncan Shotton, a young British product designer who is trying to engage people in enjoying life. His works are quirky and presented in a childlike style. Who doesn’t like rainbow and Pinocchio, let’s have fun with the little things. Duncan Shotton Online Shop

TOMS' New 1 For 1: Coffee Beans Equals Fresh Water 賣咖啡捐水再展買愛心送愛心

One for one! TOMS現在不只賣鞋捐鞋,現在更賣起了咖啡豆並延續其公益理念與民間團體Water for People 合作每賣出一包咖啡豆就捐贈一星期飲用水給開發中的國家。隨手可得的咖啡是我們日常生活平凡無奇的飲品,泡咖啡首先最重要的就是乾淨的飲用水,對於世界上一些偏遠地區的居民來說要取得乾淨的水源都有問題。除了官網和美國的Whole Foods超市可購得之外,現在,TOMS即將來台拓點,屆時會將其社會關懷的愛心傳遞給更多的台灣朋友,一起響應! New "One for One" project from TOMS is to launch a TOMS Roasting Company that sourced from Malawi, Rwanda, Honduras, Guatemala, and Peru, and customers who purchased TOMS coffee not only be supporting farmers from those developing countries but also provide clean drinking water to their communities. Now, TOMS will soon come to Taiwan, then would spread their social care and love to more Taiwanese friends and respond together! More about: Toms Coffee Roasting Co. Source from:  Vogue  

From Junked Part To Scientific Art: John Zaklikowski 的實驗藝術

紐約是許多藝術家的迦南之地, 但是舊金山西岸溫暖的陽光給了藝術家創作環境. 舊金山當地藝術家 John Zaklikowski到De Young 舉行個人特展Culture and Physics Collide. 他的作品材料都來自於電腦耗材和攝影器材, 也許有人會好奇如何蒐集現在已經越來越少見的主機板和舊式攝影機以及其他原料, 問了Zaklikowski 得到的答案很幽默, 大部份都是從Ebay 和Amazon蒐購的. 隨著創作的多樣化, 他也嘗試將中國傳統羅盤融入進作品裡, 裡面的亞洲文字是Zaklikowski 翻書選擇自己喜歡的字體而描繪出來的, 也可看到身為藝術家血液裡的堅持. 最後看到了ㄧ個樂高床, 全部都是用樂高和報廢零件所拼湊而成的, 滿滿的樂高引起了孩子們的注意, 大家開始創作屬於自己的藝術品. 這也是Zaklikowski 的創作本意, 藝術不應該是曲高和寡, 共鳴不應只來自於喜歡藝術的人, 他的藝術取自於生活, 所分享的也是來自於他生活周遭的妳我他, 還有那些同我們被John Zaklikowski 作品吸引的人 San Francisco based artist, John Zaklikowski has explored the connection between art and science. All his artworks are made of the electronic material, leg's, and circuit board. He always would make a series of artwork that could incorporate some science, art, even junked pieces. He has traveled widely, both in North America, Europe, and Asia. The cultures have been deeply influential to his artistic development. His artworks have been represented in many group exhibitions, and now a number of his large-s...

The Good Old Yellows 那些美好的黃色插曲

前陣子在台灣掀起的黃色小鴨旋風新聞讓人記憶猶新, 黃色不但是三原色之一也是許多人喜歡的顏色. 比起熱情的紅和沉穩的藍, 黃色更有著代表夢想與希望的意義. Simple Chic Life 彙集了從時尚, 藝術, 生活上延伸的“黃色作品”.黑色搭配能讓人整體感受強烈, 與淺色搭配則是活力有朝氣,或是淡黃色的高雅與鵝黃色的清新都很適合迎接春天的到來. 從舊照片的回憶裡是否感受到黃色所帶給你樂觀和愉悅呢! Source:  another magazine

The Wonderfully Designed Offices of Dropbox 舊金山的摩登總部

最近正在求職中, 看到Dropbox的辦公室心生羨慕. 位在舊金山市區的Dropbox 總部是和室內設計公司Geremia Design , 建築公司Boor Bridges 合作打造ㄧ個員工能夠安心且舒適的工作環境. 結合綠能環保設計,採用全透光玻璃, 裡面不但有員工休息室當然也有公共空間讓員工可以互相交流創意. Dropbox 在2008年成立, 成立雲端平台可以儲存檔案以及資源共享的資訊型服務. 現在的舊金山總部共有員工350 人, 室內設計的靈感來源就是來自Dropbox, 打造ㄧ個空間讓所有人可以在這裡面放心的分享和提供自己的創意. 看了如此現代又舒服的工作環境也期許在求職路上更努力.  Dropbox headquarter is located in SOMA district, San Francisco. This cloud-computing provider aims to create wonderful working space for their employees. In collaboration with Geremia Design and architecture firm Boor Bridges, the team started to work. Incorporate with green spaces and modern furnishing, the design inspiration was based on Dropbox's product and service. In an open space where employees could interact with others and space.  Source:  Visual News

Valentine's Day With Ladurée 法式頂級甜點品牌推出情人節限定馬卡龍

最近有感受到空氣中除了瀰漫著熱鬧歡慶的過年氣息之外還帶有一股甜蜜香味嗎?! 走在路上也開始看到許多愛心、粉紅色、巧克力...看到這想必毋須在舉例下去,眼前馬上浮出三個字"情人節"。今年的西洋情人節,似乎有許多送禮的選擇,像是去年在台灣紅得發紫的法國頂級馬卡龍品牌"Ladurée"成了每個人Facebook上必分享的照片之一。垂涎欲滴、色彩繽紛的杏仁小圓餅,因應西洋情人節推出了一系列限量版本的甜點,像是其中的桃粉愛心型狀的馬卡龍內含新鮮覆盆莓與玫瑰香奶油以蝴蝶結作裝飾不驚大呼"好可愛",還有精美的愛慕禮盒也非常適合送給心愛的情人。除了情人節主題產品,以馬年為創作靈感的幸運馬蹄禮盒、與Nina Ricci首席調香師 Olivier Cresp和Ladurée主廚Vincent Lemains的聯名合作禮盒加上2014年的新季節限定口味: 巧克力咖啡、青蘋果與野莓茉莉。創意無限、甜蜜可人的的法式精美小甜點今年持續攻佔妳的心。 Heart shape, pink color, chocolate...etc, have you already felt the love in the air recently? Except for chocolate, your significant other will be surprised to receive a lovely, delicate, and delicious macaron with fresh berries and rose butter, and the beautifully-packed set wins the heart from your half without a doubt. Source from:  Fashion Press ,  Choc

Art of Bow Tie: Nicholas Tee Ruiz 領結上的時尚創意

本以為男生的領結就只能在布料上面做變化, 沒想到紐約藝術家Nicholas Tee Ruiz 用我們平常生活中幾乎隨手可得的材料做成領結, 不管是吉他的撥片, 或是膠卷底片, 還有軟木塞甚至樂高積木通通被Nicholas 拿來巧手創意一番. 在紐約現代美術館工作之餘, 居住在紐約森林小丘區的他想要為時尚男性們設計ㄧ款既有創意又能吸引別人注目的配件. 他的作品也在被放在現代美術館展示, 現在他想要把作品生產讓更多人擁有, 每個領結都是手工製作,如果想要擁用這些富有創意和帶點時尚藝術的領結, 可以密切注意Nicholas Tee Ruiz 的網站! A creative bow tie hand made from fun, fashion and found material in Forest Hill. Nicholas Tee Ruiz would like to bring the everyday objectives to his artworks, he has blossomed into forwarding thinking and initiative to repurpose everyday material into works of wearable arts. He kept challenging himself to bring his art to folks. The series of artworks were inspired by his colleagues, artist research, technical studies. Now he is working on the collection and start-up the shop. Who wants to wear the bow tie?  Source from: